Thursday, February 17, 2011

The "Good Cut"

So, what's the most important tip for any hair type? I've told you 3 times already, so don't forget again! A GOOD CUT!
If you're just not happy with your style or just tired of the way you look, search the web for cute dos. Type in hair pics, short hair pics, celebrity hair pics. Notice the constant..."hair pics". Find about 3 or 4 and take them to your stylist. If he/she is good, she can tell you which one would look best or take bits and pieces from a few of them. A bad idea is to say I want this style but 5 inches longer. We know what that will look like, but, chances are, you don't. You take a cute short cut and make it 5" longer, the cute is gone. Sometimes it doesn't even look like the same cut! You may want to google med length hair pics.
Be prepared to really listen to what your stylist says. We didn't go to school and have years of experience to just guess if that style will look good on you. There are a bazillion factors to think about before deciding on what that client needs! What's their face shape, how much styling do they do, how long is their forehead, any facelift scars ;), what direction does the hair lay, blah, blah, blah. This goes for you men too! We know how to hide that receding hairline, and, no, comb overs are NOT an option!!
Big hidden message...find a stylist you trust and do your prep work. If you've had that style since 1999, get a new look!

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